The old water tower dating from 1897 is like a beacon in the landscape and forms a remarkable entrance to Bussum, together with the new sustainable office building. The tower is linked by a bridge to the new office building which has the appearance of a glass pavilion.

The top floor of the tower contains a meeting and office space with a panoramic view of the surrounding area. The aluminium hood around the reservoir was replaced by glass walls.

The building fully meets its own energy needs through the use of windmills, solar cells and a bioheat transfer system, making it carbon neutral. There is no sewer connection. A helophyte filter - a pond with particular kinds of plants - purifies the waste water organically, including that of the sanitary facilities. The Water Tower is a project of VOCUS, which was designed and developed together with the Dutch Institute for Building Biology and Ecology (NIBE). It has won several awards and was voted the most sustainable industrial building in the Netherlands by VARA Vroege Vogels.



BWC Sustainable Development





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